Monday, April 1, 2024

April is Here

 March closed with some stress but most of what was stressing me has been resolved, including a very clever mouse who evaded all traps.
Of course, the BIGGEST April Fool will still be stressing people out for the rest 2024 but hopefully will be in prison and completely gagged in 2025.

I turned 75 in March but honestly, do not feel it.  Still have peripheral neuropathy with aches and pains but always have had pain issues my whole life.  In many ways, I feel better than I did in my 50's and 60's.

This month, I am exploring Gail Stringer's outdoor walks with Gospel music:

Also here is a link to my old youtube channel:

Definitely repeaters:

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Hurray for March

 March is my favorite month because days are starting to become longer and winter is staring to an end.

As usual, the hateful and divisive cult propaganda is upsetting. I am determined to mute trolls on whatever social media platform I use.  I have no room in my life for people who enjoy attacking others.
WOW!  I am finally seeing way less cult trolls and most comments have become intelligent.
The more voters see the behavior of trump and his cult, the less they will vote for trump.

(I will be adding video suggestions as I find them)

Ed Sheeran music

80s soundtrack

great music and rebounder friendly moves

Thursday, February 1, 2024

February 2024

Getting a REAL ID is a REAL gamble in NJ, especially at the Elizabeth MVC location.
Some of the employees seem to lack simple logic or knowledge and want to send people on several random adventures for their documents while paying for parking each visit as well as wasting gas and time.  Bottomline, do not go paperless for your bank accounts, credit cards, or utilities.
Bank accounts must be just savings or checking.
They will not accept a Money Market recently snail mailed monthly statement as a bank statement.
In the future, we decided instead of trying to get a Real ID and forfeiting a standard state ID to fly within the USA after May 2025 to get passports so we can even fly outside of the USA.

I am starting the month with this youtube channel with good music and moves!

(Will add more throughout the month)

Feel good moves and music which means no dread:

good moves

new favorite

There were many great deals for CBD/THC gummies on Facebook the past month and I found many I liked, especially Delta9 from Munchies, King Buddha, Erth Wellness, and Sun State.  Just 1/4 of most gummies with Delta9 work well for me for relaxation.  Even a whole half can feel too strong, making me feel balance challenged and/or mouth dryness. Right now, I have enough for at least the next year including various flavors of my favorite Lumi THC so am resisting the deals.  I have had many stressful events that were made much more tolerable with these gummies.

Cooking-wise, I have made drumsticks in the air fryer for the first time this month and liked them as much or more than thighs!  For years, I only used chicken breasts which over-cook too easily.

A new family favorite recipe crust-less Quiche!