Thursday, May 2, 2024

May Already?

 Cannot believe how time is flying!
(keep pinching myself that I turned 75 years young already.)

I will be adding recommended workout links eventually but for now have plenty of youtube channels to explore.
Since I have not touched a workout vhs or dvd in over a year, I may be tossing most, if not all of them this summer.

Dumb Bell Dancing!

Just a warning about a bad CBD gummy company.
Most of the companies on FaceBook have been very good about complaints except one:

I paid the postage for a few samples, each individually packed. The second pouch I opened had a mushy gummy in pieces and it is not even summer yet.  It was disgusting.  I sent them an email with a photo and was offered another single sample on my next order!  Hello but who orders from a company with such terrible quality control?  Most companies would have sent me free samples and some would even have refunded my postage.

The gummy was wet, mushy, sticky and in pieces. I have had hundreds of gummies and none were ever in this condition.  Nama will bombard you with emails even after you unsubscribe.

(Try erthwellness for free samples which only charges $5 for shipping with code and will replace damaged product for free)