Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday and Sliding filler weights

This morning I used youtube Zumba and Zumba toning episodes (just do a search on You Tube for Zumba toning), alternating with the Zumba sticks, Fitstix and  the ones I made from large $2 bubble batons from Walmart filled 2/3 with rocksalt and a few pennies.  The bubble batons when held in various parts, either at the handle or just above the handle seem to have more range of motion  with the sliding filler which I liked but have to stay off the UR when using them because of my low basement ceiling.  Did that for 30 minutes then rested 20 then did alittle more Zumba on the UR (stickless LOL) then Classical Stretch.  The gal didn't get the full use out of the Zumba sticks that she could have by holding them slightly differently but the difference is much more obvious when using the Fitstix or Walmart wands because the filler in the Zumba sticks slides the least.  For example, I find keeping the palms facing one another for biceps (hammer curls) is definitely much more effective and better for the elbows even if using regular dumb bells.

My arms really felt well worked after the 30 minutes so I decided to just bounce on the UR empty handed after the recovery break.

ETA: Today's Rebounding TV episode was how to use a rebounder to work the abs.  Every Friday there is a new episode.  Link is listed under my favorite links.

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