Monday, September 12, 2016

Statins and Women

Most doctors do not hesitate to put women with a high cholesterol level on a statin.
Statin studies have been very biased and show very little if any real benefit for women.  They do cause a variety of adverse reactions.  I have reversed most of the adverse reactions from Lipitor but unfortunately am left with chronic peripheral neuropathy and tinnitus.  My doctor insisted on keeping me on a statin in spite of my complaints and symptoms.

Each person on a statin is earning money for the pharmaceutical company, labs and doctors with extra visits to monitor the cholesterol level and liver function.  I paid to become unhealthier.  If I had not continued to workout regularly, I probably would have been in a wheel chair by now if I had continued taking Lipitor.

I am one year younger than Hillary Clinton.
No way could I match her stamina even though friends who have watched my videos think I am much younger.
(I am hoping Hillary is not on a statin)

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