Thursday, September 2, 2021

September is not Starting Well

 Last night Ida flooded my basement for the first time in the 36 years of living here.
Our carpet absorbed alot of water and luckily just ground water and not sewerage.
I was already having a bad night with hives, partially because our annual doctor visit was scheduled for this morning and our smart phones kept blasting flood and tornado warnings.

Anywho I had a very active day before and after our appointments sopping up water with towels, washing and drying the towels then repeating.  It is amazing how much water towels can absorb.  Much better than dozens of rolls of paper towels.  A fan will help do the rest.  I am tossing lots of clutter, wet and dry, because our town will be taking bulk away for the next two weeks.

Sadly, over a dozen people in a neighboring town drowned in basement dwellings.
A man drowned  near our doctor's office after his car got stuck just a few blocks from our home.

OK back to sharing workout videos:
I adapt walking and dancing routines to health bouncing on a rebounder.
This Kiara-Camilla Dickson channel seems like a good one for me..

ZDancerLiz just started a new month and it will be phenomenal.
The 9/2 zoom was amazing.  Definitely, the best music and choreo for me.

Our basement carpet seems dry now (9/5).
We removed the excess water with bath towels which was much better than using rolls of paper towels.
It was like foot stomping grapes for wine. 
(I did 5 loads of towel laundry!)
then had a fan going 24/7.
flipped the carpet over and put stuff under the unflippable parts to get air to the bottom of the carpet.  The floor underneath was dry?
I think the water went into the paneled walls around a window and not up from the ground.
I ordered those dehumidifying bags to try to capture any moisture in the air and deodorize the air.
Just hope this was a one time event and will not need a sump pump, etc.

The bags are fantastic!  All of the dusky odor is gone within a few hours.

I have been bouncing for over 20 years:
Personally, I prefer healthbouncing and tweak low impact walking and dancing videos with good music.

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