Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August Update

Good news is I am finally starting to lose weight slowly.

Bad news is my neuropathy is the same as it was over a year ago before starting treatments in June 2017 which I stopped in March 2018.    I had lost weight quickly during the first 5 months of the treatment but had been plateaued for 10 months.  The weight loss reversed my direction towards metabolic disease but did little for cramping and pain.

WalkingOnline Workouts remains my favorite source of exercise but I am pausing to do more Leslie Sansone during an all access pass for a month.  I still bounce-walk on a bungee for most cardio and try to walk outside after most meals or do a low intensity spark inside.

I am resisting buying or streaming new routines till I revisit older stuff I did once.
Because of the Walk Online Workouts great music, I am editing less than I used to edit.
I have stopped using dvds, preferring the convenience of streaming.

That's about all.
(hoping my health improves when the country gets rid of its anxiety producing Liar-in-Chief)

Here's a new article about statins:

and a video