Saturday, August 26, 2017

3 Month Personal Update

Overall, I am feeling better since starting an anti-inflammatory diet and treatments to increase circulation to my extremities 3 months ago.  My nervous system had been damaged for over a decade so cannot expect it to heal within 3 months.  Just wish I had stopped Lipitor at the first sign of trouble to avoid so many chronic conditions like cataracts and tinnitus.
My upper body is responding to the nerve healing treatments faster than my lower body.
Feeling these improvements gives me hope that more are coming.

Losing weight and avoiding certain foods, especially refined carbs, has reversed my insulin resistance and risk of developing metabolic disease which was probably also affected by Lipitor.  Blood pressure is now normal.

However, my digestion just could not adapt to my very restrictive anti-inflammatory diet so I am slowly adding some high fiber grains back and will be careful if I see my weight going in the wrong direction or feel any unwanted inflammations.  I was not dairy or gluten sensitive in blood tests but restricted both anyway as my specialist recommended.  The CALM Magnesium supplement helped but it is hard to find just the right amount to use.  Probiotic sauer kraut did nothing.  Apple cider vinegar sometimes helped if taken before a salad.  Raw vegetables were just too gassy when they were the main part of most meals even though I love salad.

Lately, I have been revisiting Jessica Smith dvds and enjoying them like they are brand new.
(I did most of them just once previously LOL)

She also had some nice rehab vids which I am now including since I am cramping less.
It may take me several weeks to revisit all of her dvds or my edits of them!

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