Sunday, October 17, 2021

Toxic People

A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life.
This article  lists the traits of a toxic person:

I have given too much power to toxic people, enabling them to affect my own emotional well-being.
Consequentially, I have to constantly remind myself that I am responsible for my own attitude and cannot change other people if they choose to live in a bubble of negativity.  Best to avoid them and not give them any power.  Sadly, it can be someone from whom it is hard to detach.

Toxic people are everywhere, especially on the internet because their anonymity gives them a false sense of bravado.  I went on the internet soon after our older son came out to find other parents. It was shocking to see so many strangers be so hateful which was a harbinger of hatefulness to come.

When a toxic person infects a whole group, it becomes even more challenging to stay positive.
The trump cult is an excellent example of  a toxic group.
Toxic people have always existed and will continue to exist.
Therefore, History repeats itself.  
However, all toxic people and groups eventually land on the wrong side of History.

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