Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Guinea Pig Update 2

I just ordered the 7 Day Pack for myself.
If you want to try Outback Pain Relief cheaply
put the 7 Day pack in your cart
enter the promo code OUTBACK10 at checkout for $10 off

Still finding Outback Pain Relief Roll-on excellent for acute pain and easy to apply.
If it doesn't do the trick then I use Herbal Mana Pain Bomb which is infused with CBD.
I also will be trying my newest arrival:
the Herbal Mana DMSO Wintergreen roller.
Most other products just cannot compete or are too expensive like Canvas 1839.
Arnica gel still works great if immediately used after an injury and better than most other pain relief ointments.
Meg Relief could have been a contender but its spray bottle gets jammed too much.

For chronic pain, muscle cramps, brain fog, vertigo, anxiety, etc.
Herbal Mana has given me an arsenal of weapons.
I cannot remember the last time I had a leg or foot cramp during the night but may not have had any since receiving my first order of Inner Warrior which was designed for fibromyalgia.
My right hand is 95% better than it was. I was on my way to having to train my left hand for most functions but luckily can use my right hand without pain again.
The burning in my feet at night has become tolerable.

My routine has been Frankincense DMSO gel first thing in the morning on my feet and ankles because I have a large jar and it seems to stop most of the random aches I get in the morning.
After my workout I use Inner Warrior on temples and neck because I usually feel vertigo after a workout.
Later in the day I use Hope or Helichrysum DMSO liquids when I feel I am getting anxious.
Before bed and during the night if I wake up, I apply the SLEEP roller on my temples and neck because neither has DMSO.
The area receiving DMSO has to be washed before its application.

Right now I prefer their liquids and gels because the creams make me feel too warm.
I may prefer them in cooler weather.
Main advantage of the creams is no DMSO.

If you order from Herbal Mana, you may save 10% with my referral link
(I am expecting two other liquid blends to try next week)

ETA:  Pain Bomb works!
I woke up with a bad headache and Pain Bomb applied to the temples resolved it within minutes.
A little goes a long way but I will reorder when I want to get free shipping on a future order of a large bottle of Inner Warrior.

New Product limited offer with free shipping!
DMSO gel with Turmeric

ETA: 8-19
My last two orders just arrived and I immediately tried the Recovery blend dropper bottle because I felt yucky all day with the humidity and various stressful events, including an annoying mosquito making me sleep in long sleeves and pants, reapplying for our son's ACA medicaid, and a visit from our plumber because of a toilet repair..
I washed my face and neck and applied a few drops and WOW ..
I felt like that old shaving cream commercial:
"Thanks I needed that"
It was simultaneously calming and exhilarating.
I may prefer Recovery to Hope for when I need energy.

So far, I prefer the DMSO liquids to the DMSO gels and the non DMSO creams but may like the creams more after the summer heat ends.
Maybe I would like the gel more with a pump because I do not like dipping a finger into the gel.
The liquid rollers are convenient for small areas.
I think the dropper bottle may be a good alternative to the spray for larger areas.

ETA: 8-20
Last night and this morning I tried the new Turmeric DMSO gel.
I slept and felt decent till after my workout then felt yucky again (brain fog and light-headed) so applied the Recovery blend and now feel darn well.
It will be hard to determine which blend I like best between Inner Warrior, Hope, and Recovery.
Tonight I plan to try Lunar Warrior.

Lunar Warrior worked well on my feet at night but I think Recovery worked even better
or maybe a combination of both?
Recovery for the cramping and Lunar for the burning

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