Saturday, December 19, 2015

Focus on the Good in the World

Michael Moore who found Trump to be very cowardly when both were waiting to be on a tv show several years ago made a powerful post on Facebook and here is an excerpt which really put it all into perspective:

Fortunately, Donald, you and your supporters no longer look like what America actually is today. We are not a country of angry white guys. Here's a statistic that is going to make your hair spin: Eighty-one percent of the electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of color, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In other words, not you. And not the people who want you leading their country.

It still amazes me how surreal Trump's campaign is.  Also amazes me how surreal it was when the least friendly person on WellVideo became the administrator of a private club there, the focus of which was making friends and sharing.  Of course, that focus for that club no longer exists just as Trump represents everything unAmerican: bigotry, racism, prejudice, bullying, deception, greed, hypocrisy,  etc.

My conscience cannot tolerate Mr.Trump's bullying and mob mentality.
My conscience just could not tolerate the mob mentality and the stress generated in that other club.  I left that club and started another with the original focus of that club:
making friends with other workout fans around the world so we are all healthier mentally and physically.  
Anyone with an interest in workouts can visit  
Anyone who registers and friends me (Bouncin Barb) and treats other members well can become a member of this new club.
WE are all more alike than not.
Do not give any power to those bullies who lack a conscience and try to dehumanize any victims for a false sense of superiority.   Resist mob mentality.
The people who designed WellVideo wanted a place where all can be friends in the pursuit of health.
The original focus of the US was the pursuit of happiness for all. 
Do not give away your health and happiness to joyless people since misery loves company.
Choose health and happiness!  
The golden rule of treating others how we would like to be treated is still the best way to peace and happiness for all.    

This morning I worked out with myself and loved it!  LOL

BB BungeeBall MU 2 by POMBarb
I really enjoyed the music and the moves so plan to record more.
No trouble keeping in time on the large PROBounce even though the recording was done on the JumpSport550.
(both models are still having a great Holiday sale price!)

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