Thursday, August 8, 2013

MAN oh MAN and weekly checkin

This morning I warmed up on the bungee to MANba then sat on the stability ball to a routine by German MANuel (WellShaped.TV on youtube) to which I had added Bollywood MUsic.
Manba has some truly good functional moves in it.  Too bad they approached it amateurishly and didn't develop the moves on both sides more.  No problem, I can switch sides on my own:)
I love the simplicity of German Manuel's routines so I can do my own embellishments with them as well.  I sweated and did lots of whole body movements without aggravating any joints and enjoyed the movements and MUsic alot.  MAN oh MAN what a great combo!

Here's some of the Manba done this morning:

While checking old recordings from Exercise TV, I came across this nice little Dancer's Abs routine by Lia and decided to share it since such a small file.

Friday 8/9
This morning I did some Angie Miller routines to which I had added MUsic, using many toys:
the bungee then stability ball then bands attached to my shoes then Fitstix and finally purple Zumba sticks.

Saturday 8/10

JS Kickboxing Reggae by POMBarb
I finally tried the jessicasmithtv Kickbox Circuit to which I had added MUsic and lurved it!!! I preferred the pace of my MUsic to her pace and just tweaked the moves alittle.  Only problem is I loved it alittle too much and pulled a muscle on the right side of my back.  Arnica gel and Tylenol helped but what really removed the pain was realigning the back with the Sacro Wedgy!

Sunday 8/11
This morning I did jessicasmithtv stability ball routine to which I had added MUsic and really enjoyed it as an AWT rather than traditional stability ball routine.

Then I did some of T25 Lower (Body) Focus and expect DOMS tomorrow.  Really liked some of the unique moves in it. Also did some of a fun chair and stick routine:

I pooped out at the beginning of the stick routine so plan to do that part tomorrow.

Monday 8/12
This morning I started with T25 Beta Core and really liked the first 19 minutes till the burpees, etc. so more like T20 for me or actually T15 for all of the breaks I take LOL
Then I did the pole routine from Fitness Corner and sometimes used the Katami bar instead of a stick.  Finished with sitting on the stability ball doing a DA routine (designed for pregnant women) to which I had added MUsic by Adam Lambert and really enjoyed that combination!

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