Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Switching from Netflix to Blockbusters

This morning I warmed up with Zumba on the bungee then did the rest of a dance workout from Netflix while holding Fitstix and finished with some Chiball Dance of the Dragon.

I decided to cancel Netflix near the end of the free trial, even though I can get one more month at their old prices before they practically double. Their instant watch content is lame and we can get a faster dvd turnaround using our nearby Blockbusters for returning the dvds and mailer exchanges for movies, especially on weekends. Blockbusters is offering a month free plus a lower price on their one movie or game dvd out at a time plan to steal disgruntled Netflix customers. This plan will be the same price as Netflix's one dvd and instant watch plan which is ending! Besides getting newer movies sooner, Blockbusters seems to carry more workout dvds and hopefully, their games by mail are more available than they used to be.

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