Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tues Circuit Burn and chiballs

This morning I did some more of Circuit Burn on the bungee, mostly while holding light homemade XCO trainers and using Kathy Smith's 5 pound kettlebell as a single heavier weight.
Then I did the second half of Planet Motion while holding chiballs which gave it a completely different feel.
Yesterday afternoon, I tried some of Misty's new stuff while on the bungee which gave that a completely different feel too. Will be holding chiballs whenever sliding filler weights don't click. Holding chiballs definitely makes me focus more on the upper body and core as do sliding filler weights without aggravating the joints.
I have alot of revisiting to do with Fitstix and chiballs!

Note: the chiballs are weightless but can be squeezed for an extra isometric contraction.
Small playground balls can be substituted.
Here is a small example of how holding chiballs can be used with simple movements in a spirals class:

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