Saturday, April 2, 2011


Back from spending my birthday in AC, coming home with an extra $6 LOL. Just got my first social security check :) and it does look like I may have to rename my blog because the measurements are still going downwards even after eating in AC for a few days, mostly buffets. Will not repeat the mistakes I have made in the past of adding longer and/or more intense workouts. I believe a large part of the solution was having my son join me in healthier eating to lower his LDL.

Am still expecting the oil company next week to change some radiator vents and to fix a leaky valve as well as a call from its owner/President. Will be removing the covers today with the help of our handyman neighbor who is DH's racetrack buddy and vacuuming dust in preparation of the new vents being installed. Ironically, the one vent that got changed (our hisser) is no longer sending up any heat!. The new vent may have clogged because set too low.

Will add my workout later.

ETA: Weird but having the bungee in the living room is making me do more standing stuff off any rebounder during my morning workout in our basement and I am enjoying the change. Still hop on the ReboundAIR for higher impact but only do steady bouncing in short spurts on the bungee throughout the day. I warmed up with the first half of the cardio from 7 Day Solution then did Kathy Smith's Kettlebell Upper Body chapter. Finally revisited Chi Yoga made by the Chiball people and really liked the Tai Chi warmup, Chi Kung routine and some of the 4th routine (yoga poses). Skip the third routine cuz Sun Salutations. Much of the workouts seemed like a a Nia and Yodates fusion.

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