Monday, May 14, 2012

A Plea to People

I have often been reminded that there are people who act/react differently on the internet than they would in real life, similarly to how some people behave differently behind the wheel of a car. Both the internet and the car offer an atmosphere of anonymity so people may do/say things differently than they would one-on-one in real life. Of course, there are people who would behave rudely 24/7 because of their own personal baggage, personalities or whatever.
I try to avoid these kind of toxic people if I can.

Yesterday, a car sped up as my son and I were crossing a street in a crosswalk. When we first started crossing the street, the car was not in sight. Obviously the driver was reacting to something within himself. As a result, a nice walk in beautiful weather on Mother's Day with my son lost some of its magic.
Then a person called a post of mine on a message board *insulting* and I still see no reason behind her behavior. Again reacting to something within herself.
When being treated unfairly by another person because that person has some sort of problem, I try not to let their problem become my problem but sometimes I do react stronger than I would like.
It is human nature I guess.

In a perfect world, people would treat one another as they would want to be treated themselves but nobody is perfect. Shit happens.
I would just like to remind people that everyone else has feelings and reactions based on those feelings.
Even if you are having a bad day, be kind to one another.
Your actions are yours to own. If you are having a bad moment, try to give the other person the benefit of doubt. You will not make yourself feel better by treating another human being badly.

ETA: I pretty much did the same workout dvds as yesterday, just picking up where I left off on a dvd and doing a similar amount of each. Big difference was doing Gilad's Max Abs with my yellow Smartbell instead of the 2lb speedball I used yesterday. Not only was the Smartbell more comfortable to hold but I got breathless and sweated buckets! Really like all of these dvds alot including the dvdr I burned from the internet. Yesterday's check in offers filemail links to download those workouts in either wmv or mp4 whichever works best on your devices.

Ironically, the message board where I believe I was treated rudely was about Gilad being rude to somebody who approached him after a public workout. So I posted on the board some thoughts about why Gilad may have appeared rude and another VFer who found my post *insulting* because of her own personal baggage responded rather rudely.

Luckily for us, there is no financial risk for the perceived rudeness like in Gilad's case because neither of us is a celebrity trainer selling dvds!
I really feel empathy for the trainers who put themselves out there because vidiots can be a tough crowd to please and it is virtually impossible to create the perfect workout for anyone, let alone most of them. On top of that, the trainers have to try to be in people pleaser mode 24/7. Even then, there will still a few with their own baggage affecting their opinions and reacting negatively.
I used to be a people pleaser. After decades of not being able to please my own mother because of her own problems, I have learned that some people just aren't worth trying to please at my own expense so I just try to avoid them. Sometimes, I cannot avoid them. However, I try very hard to still give these people benefit of doubt and take the higher road, reminding myself I am not responsible for their reactions, only my own.

Paul Katami posted the following on Facebook:
*Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Abraham Lincoln*

ETA: Thankfully, the Gilad thread received a response from Gilad, apologizing to the VFer and explaining why he may have seemed preoccupied. Unfortunately, alot of people had already responded negatively, if not rudely, to one another as well as Gilad and some continue to be critical of one another and Gilad. Glad I didn't jump on the *tar and feather, let's run him out of town* bandwagon. Also glad I didn't pursue any communication with the person who personally attacked me whom I will be ignoring in the future. There is no reasoning with a person determined to be unreasonable.

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