Saturday, February 4, 2012

Kacy Duke Dvd Breakdown

This dvd can be ordered from Kacy Duke's website:

The setting is all white.
Kacy and the student are in all black and stand out very well.
Music is pleasant.
Moves are mostly functional Strength but do get the heartrate up.
Each Chapter has more intense moves than the previous.
Kacy suggests doing 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps each
You can repeat the chapters however you want but have to return to the menu each time.

First Chapter
*I Am*

*Show Some Love* warmup plies contracting abs and arms then everything opens
*Warrior 1* Knee Raise into back lunge using a dowel for support
*Duke Curtsy* curtsy lunge
*Flip Squat and Press* Squat and flip dowel up then shoulder press
*Side Bow* Lift leg to side while bending upper body towards leg (chair for support)
*Push-Pull-Kickback* dumbells pushed forward then pulled back then triceps kickback
*Open with Purpose* lift dumbbells forward then open to a T then close forward & down

Second Chapter
*I Can*

*Warrior 2* Knee lift-back lunge-back leg forward alittle to stand-Arabesque
*Side Staff Bend* side bend and wide squat with dowel overhead
*Inner Thigh Toner* side lunge
*NY Booty Lift* one legged deadlift but in a lunge position
*Fuel to the Fire* Alternating biceps curls but kept in the contraction
*Open with Strength* Shoulders to L position then T then the alternating L position

Third Chapter
*I Do*

*Goddess* legs wide, Dowel overhead bend to one side, flip hands & twist to other side
*Lift It, Love It* Lift medball and knee into side lunge, Lift again into a curtsy, twisting ball towards back leg
*Master Blaster* With flat back supporting body forward on chair,
do 8 times each
Back leg lifts, back donkey kicks, side kicks then side flicks
*Heel Click Plie* Wide legs, hands clenched shoulder height, jump up and click heels
*Double Bi* palms up curl then lower and rotate out and curl
*Open with Power* lift straight arms up with palms down, rotate palms in, then out to the sides and return

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