Thursday, June 20, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis

I was so focused on improving my hip/low back problem with the Sacro Wedgy that I ignored increasing occurrences of twinging in my heel and two consecutive nights of a calf cramp during the middle of the night.  Then I just wore the wrong shoe without an insert on a long walk yesterday and my heel started to really whine.  It was especially painful during my nocturnal bathroom visits last night.  Quite obviously my heel is inflamed and I have developed severe case of plantar fasciitis.  
So this morning, I did most of my workout sitting on the stability ball and did 3 routines with Dakidissa and some Nia Awareness of the Feet. I had been using the stability ball less because my hip was so much better.  After my heel recovers, I will use the bungee more because I noticed it bothers me less on the bungee than the floor.  Also am sticking with going barefoot or using the Platinum Walkfit inserts with the pair I last used in AC when leaving the house.  My more frequent outdoor walks experimenting with various shoes and inserts had backfired.
I will stretch my calves and feet religiously especially before and after bedtime, walks and workouts.

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