Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gay Marriage

In addition to my passion for penny slot machines and exercise, Gay Civil Rights are very important to me. True, our older son is gay so that may make me more concerned about his rights than the average straight citizen but I have always been concerned about the power of the majority affecting the rights of the minority, being a woman and born Jewish. Whether being gay is a choice, a result of a series of psychological events, genetic trait or whatever, pursuit of happiness in a democracy is a civil right and the rights of all minorities should be protected. Just recently, an ignorant teacher, employed by the high school in our town, voiced her personal homophobic beliefs publicly on Facebook which then went viral and became the headline story in tv news coverage and newspapers. It sickens me to think our town hired such a narrow minded person to teach!
Teachers are supposed to open minds, not shut them.
Teachers are supposed to help their students feel more confident about themselves and their future opportunities and help them gain the skills needed to succeed.
Teachers are supposed to Teach, not brainwash their students based on the teacher's own personal belief system or religion, especially in public schools.

Gay couples pay taxes and have the right to the pursuit of happiness and being equal under the law of this land.
What exactly are folks against Gay Marriage giving up by enabling Gay Marriage?

It seems as though most folks who want a ban on same gender marriage believe homosexuality is a choice. I cannot imagine anyone consciously choosing to be gay after witnessing our own son's coming out. Even if being gay were a choice, then why are these people against gay marriage when whom a person marries is a personal choice? How many married straight couples *chose* to love their spouse or had that choice made for them? Choice is Thinking and making a conscious decision. Feeling is a totally different process. Nobody should have the power to choose who another person can or cannot love and marry.

Most courts have judged that marriage is a civil right and religious views should not affect civil rights. What politicians need to remember when making laws as well as teachers when voicing their personal views is that they serve everyone, even the gay taxpayers, not just those who share their religious views.

It would be a huge boost to our economy to allow Gay Marriage.
Companies involved in weddings, the Travel industry and even Real Estate would prosper because gay couples could join their incomes for purchasing homes.
The argument that it would hurt businesses which would have to extend medical insurance to a gay spouse doesn't make sense. If that were so, then a company would be trying to hire just gay employees to keep their medical insurance costs down which would therefore, increase unemployment for straight folks!
Most gay couples would have less children to be covered by the employer's plan as well.

Since so many straight couples have made poor choices in spouses,
imagine the increase in business for divorce lawyers down the road!

ETA: I have revised the above into an actual page on my blog and will be updating it occassionally

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