Saturday, October 15, 2011

MUVE Hidden Clips

This morning, I warmed up off the bungee first with the hidden scarf MUVE routine then a couple of the hidden chair routines and Hilo Hula. Even though these songs can be found on some playlists, I want to do them exclusively sometimes because I'll probably MUVE using the Lineups more often so I burned a dvdr of the hidden clips not listed on the Lineup. Then I switched to the bungee upstairs for a Goofy Grooves. I think if I could only do one type of movement for exercise for the rest of my life, it would be MUVE. MUVE is truly my Goldilocks workout. With all of these clips on the dvds and website, I doubt MUVE will ever feel *old*. I may add some short clips of these hidden workouts to this blog later today if Blogger is cooperative.
Then I did the last playlist on Misty's Delicious Dance while holding chiballs but downstairs with my cheap home theatre making the volume louder. This dvd definitely has a lower volume than most. I'll probably use my much louder downloads on the bungee and the dvd in the basement with my home theatre setup. Finished with alittle Waltz to Fitness while holding Fitstix (till my laundry was done LOL).

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