Friday, April 5, 2013

Jessica and Stability Ball

This morning I started with the Jessica Kick Butt Kickbox to which I had added MUsic.
Yesterday as a spark, I did some of the original on youtube.
(Note: check yesterday's blog post for a wonderful sitting Qigong routine also done as a spark)
It seems as though Jessica's music quality deteriorates as her routines progress so I found my MUsic added much better for me, especially in the second half.  The routine worked nicely with the bungee, stability ball and Fitstix.  I even used the knee pad that came with a gliding set for pivoting the foot when punching since I only have carpeting in the basement.  I had to trim the first part to make it smaller to fit on Blogger but the whole routine is on my youtube channel.

Then I tried Jessica's Floor Ballet but my body didn't like alot of it so I skipped most supine reps plus all side and prone stuff.  I added MUsic to the sitting end because the original sound became a jumbled mess on my sound system and the sitting end may be a nice add-on.

Then I started visiting various stability ball routines I found online mostly from Mexico and Chile and really enjoyed them.  When holding and bouncing the ball while doing Zumba-like moves, I held a heavy Zumba stick which worked nicely for the bouncing movement.

I had downloaded and merged several videos from Javpel's channel.

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