Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday & HDL

I revisited some older stuff this morning. I think being into exercise for such a long time has enabled me to acquire some great workouts and equipment that were never mainstreamed much such as the Smartbells and Smartbell workouts because they were too darn expensive.

First I did most of the standing part of Kettlenetics Cardio Balanced then some of Flow Motion Basics, using whichever of my light kettlebells felt best for each move. I do prefer the slower speed in the Flow Motion Basics and more reps of feel good moves. Really don't get why Michele couldn't do the Cardio Balanced warmup with slower moves and more reps like the Basics warmup, making it feel very hectic and rushed for a warmup. Both warmups and workouts are different enough from one another to be worth doing.

Then I revisited Smartbell Basics and again the moves seemed very similar to medball and Kbell moves so that is why I can easily use whichever toy appeals to me. Finished with some Classical Stretch.

I was double checking my HDL levels over the past year and noted an obvious raise in HDL (58) in November and February compared to August (51) when it was at its lowest. The only difference I can detect in my workouts was more rebounding since getting my bungee in October!! Previously, I was rebounding less and less because of my YogFlex fraying straps and the UR aggravating my joints and feet. So whether scientifically proven or not, I definitely think the bungee and being able to rebound more often has raised my HDL :) Now I have to check my older logs to see what I was doing in the past when my HDL was as high as 78. Wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly using my YogFlex during colder months. Since I walk huge amounts in the summer when in AC more, it has to be the bouncing motion making the difference.

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