Sunday, February 6, 2011


This morning I warmed up with some of Bellyfit Earth, doing its warmup as a healthbounce on the bungee and some of the cardio on the bungee with Fitstix. This was my 3rd visit, totally not having any lasting impressions from the first two, and it was nice but not worth the raves it is getting on VF IMHO, especially compared to Nia. The biggest criticism Nia gets is being too New Agey and having a *whoo whoo* factor yet this workout is over the top with the same. Then I did the second 15 minutes of Katami's kettlebel Drills. Will not be doing its last routine because it involves all movements that can aggravate my elbows. Then I did some of an old medball routine of Katami's with my 6lb corball but stopped when my upper abs cramped! Finished with alittle Qigong for Healing and Classical Stretch. Over the past few evenings, I have been busy reviewing a bunch of older Classical Stretches I had recorded from seasons 2 and 3. Assuming there are 30 episodes each season, only missing 4 of season's 3 but missing as many as many as 9 from season 2 unless some I thought were repeats because of clothing and locations were actually different. Oddly, I saw 3 episodes of season 2 literally disappear when I re-recorded it at another time!

ETA: almost forgot to mention, I am still seeing a slow weightloss and tape measure loss so am hopeful if I continue what I have been doing and do a spark more regularly before dinner, it will continue and I'll have to rename my blog :)

ETA: My *spark* today was shoveling snow for over an hour since it warmed up enough to move it so guess my morning workout was my spark today LOL

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