Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Booty Slide

Yesterday I picked up the Booty Slide set at Walmart which came with the booties, hand/knee pads and 4 dvds.  I was mostly interested in the booties which were supposed to work on rugs but really do not.  However, the hand/knee pads do work with barefeet just fine on rugs and are more comfortable than real gliding disks.  The set does not come with the band used in some of the moves.
The dvds are short and use the same 4 minute warmup and aren't chaptered so I had to fast forward through the warmup.  Each dvd has a couple of moves.
Each move is done in several sets, varying the reps.  The moves are not mirrored by the *class* which seemed odd to me.  It felt more like an interactive demonstration than a class.
The dvds come in one case with no artwork.
The dvds and durations including the 4 minute warmup:
Cardio Extreme 24 minutes
Booty Blast 29 minutes
Core Plus 19 minutes
Sculpt Tone & Burn 21 minutes

The Cardio Extreme is really a lower body workout with different kinds of lunges.  It worked my lower body well without aggravating my knees or hips but I didn't do the last move *Plies Pop*, choosing just to slide one leg out and drag it back at a time.

Booty Blast is mostly tabletop with the band which I skipped.
Core Plus is mostly mat planks and pushups which I skipped.
Sculpt Tone & Burn works the upper body while kneeling on a mat and using the hand pads which I didn't mind doing for some cross training.  Really felt it in my biceps without aggravating my elbows.

After the Booty Slide above, I enjoyed the second part of Kacy Duke's Upper Body cardio from Peak10 series to which I had added MUsic and finished the workout session with some stretching

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