Monday, June 25, 2012

Pain Grade

Knee pain is less intense than yesterday giving me hope it is healing. Still more intense pain than before the stairs incident but very similar to what I had a few months ago that improved but never totally resolved. It is becoming more evident the pain is connected to the hip/lower back.

I am beginning to believe most of the chronic knee, hip and lower back problem on my right side is because my right leg is much longer than the left so am going to try wearing the Walkfit Platinum insert just in the left shoe and a cushioning insert in the right shoe. When I do this, my shoulders are even and my right side feels way less jarring when walking.

Still not comfortable on the bungee but will try to do some lower body stuff without any impact. Yesterday's sparks were chair dancing, doing some Zumba-like videos while sitting.

Just tried an Ellen but knee/hip wasn't liking plies so switched to a previously boring Standing Pilates routine with Susan Tuttle which seemed to help more than hurt :) Went halftime, slowly and carefully adjusting to avoid any twinging or pain. Wore shoes with the inserts as above and will continue to wear shoes 24/7 except when sleeping. I am walking much better today! Dug up a whole bunch of senior exercise dvds and vhs that I will be slowly exploring throughout the day. Also will try some roller stuff and Egoscue's Supine Inguinal stretch. Just realized I did all of this without taking any pain medication so am definitely healing. Although I avoid everything except Tylenol because of bruising, I did take one Aleve yesterday and one night-time Advil last night for anti-inflammatory action.

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