Monday, June 11, 2012

So So Day

Knees were much better today. Am hoping it is the Vitamin D supplement which I usually do not take when in AC but will start taking daily for awhile. However, just couldn't get into workingout today but kept muving.
Warmed up on the bungee to Batuka then did the second routine on Just Jhoom which I did like then did some of the first Faithful workout (her voice was very annoying to me) then tried some of Power Stretch & Sculpt which was way too much floor and finished with the rest of Richard Simmons Sit Tight. Just had a low energy day I guess.

Received the Surfer Girl workout set this afternoon and already did some of the first workout and liked it! The holding the stability ball moves worked well with my yellow Smartbell. Alot like other Michael Carson stuff but slower and less reps so less tedious. Having a different set, music and instructor also made this kind of routine feel more playful.

Just used a Sit and Be Fit youtube video for a spark and feel better than I have all day:

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