Monday, June 18, 2012

Still Muving

Even though I feel like the Wizard of Oz Scarecrow, falling apart and losing straw, I keep muving. The back muscle I pulled yesterday when applying Arnica gel to my knees is still twinging but not as badly so of course, now my left foot had to get in on the action and something went amiss in it while just doing healthbouncing on the bungee! Some people avoid exercise to avoid injury or aggravating an injury but an injury can happen anytime doing anything. My worse back pull was from a simple sneeze. Muving helps healing and preventing other injuries strengthening body parts. The good news is my left knee hardly twinged (or its twinginess is being completely drowned out by other more intense twinges)

Anywho, I did some more of Bento's Hip Hop Walk on the bungee then the Ab and Glute Shred from Surfer Girl disk 3. Finished the Nia Awareness of Feet which gave just as much attention to hands, elbows, etc. Also did alittle of a beach Zumba routine. Will be doing more of these as sparks off the bungee.

Just had a personal discovery that made me appreciate having aches and pains instead of other aging conditions. Will keep my bag of troubles.

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