Thursday, December 25, 2014

2014 in Review

Overall, 2014 was darn good to me.

Even the bad events like adverse side effects from statin induced deficiencies opened new windows for me.  I stopped taking statins and am feeling much better than I have for the past decade.  Also changed my focus from low saturated fat to low empty carbs and made the scale switch directions.

I kept MUving in spite of twinges and avoided serious injuries and illnesses.  I have really learned to listen to my body and avoid moves which can trigger problems. Very thankful for the immediate healing properties of Arnica gel for when I did make a bad move and the protection from colds by administrating some Hydrogen peroxide to my ears.
The JumpSport 550 enabled lots of movement and the 370 PRO mat and Hopper Ball also kept me moving.

Moving to MUsic in enjoyable ways is my magic bullet to feeling good.  I took edited routines and adding music to a whole new level making me more excited about working out than ever, especially since I now have more energy.  Anything annoying whether a specific move or voice is GONE creating dread free routines.

Finding online content other than what youtube allows can be challenging. opened up new doors for me enabling the storing and sharing of my content as well as offering me more content to explore.  I even dabbled a bit with bit torrents from Russia LOL

Most importantly, instead of focusing on how much time I have left, I am focusing on enjoying what time I do have left and feeling as well as possible.  If I can bring some joy into other people's lives that is a great bonus.

Things I have to work on in future years:
Appreciating myself and those who appreciate me
Avoiding toxic people
Learning to say *No* without guilt (very tough one for me)
Not worrying about stuff over which I have no control

That being said, the routines done this morning were edited Cours Gym danse and sport routines and a short visit with one of my favorite online instructors Manuel.  Tomorrow I plan to spend time with Dakidissa.  I love adding MUsic to routines not in English since I cannot follow the cuing anyways.  There is a whole world out there and MUving is the universal language.

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