Tuesday, December 16, 2014

LS and DA

Again I enjoyed the edited Leslie Sansone Mix and Match Walkblasters followed by an edited Denise Austin routine.  As usual, I did 25 minutes on the 550 bungee  and 15 on a large ball.  I just wanted to mention that if you want to give bouncing and dancing on a stability ball a try, make sure it is a large enough size so it will not aggravate your knees.

If I hadn't discovered replacing sound tracks on workouts, I doubt I would be enjoying Leslie and Denise as much as I have been.  Probably would have switched to just freestyling to music because so few workout soundtracks appeal to me.
I have uploaded longer MP3 files from previously edited routines to my Google Drive and will share them so anyone wanting to add a longer MP3 file to a workout can have some available.  If you use Freemake Video Converter (gold) you can easily replace the audio of a video file.
For more information:

These longer MP3 files are accessible here:

I hope anyone not motivated to move will try adding MUsic.

just a quick rant
3 years ago (March 2011) we paid a small fortune to replace our home oil heating system and had several misgivings about the decision.
Well today's annual maintenance visit exposed that the low water cut-off was not functioning.  Service guy said it was probably because I didn't flush it often enough.  With our previous system, I flushed weekly but was told by the head engineer of our oil company which replaced the leaking system that I should only flush once a month because adding fresh corrosive water should be avoided,  WRONG!!!!
Today's service guy showed me an instruction card from the maker of the low water cut off part and pasted it to our burner.  The low water cutoff was supposed to be flushed at least once a week after installing a new powerful system!  A new more powerful system has much more to flush when first installed.    We have decided not to replace this part since I keep an eye on the water level regularly and we have been using very little water.  Why should I pay to replace a part that is no longer under warranty after being given bad advice?  I have little faith in a replacement part not failing as well.
Worse case scenario, our system destroys itself and our plumber will then replace it with a gas system.

ETA: Just read that my flushing technique was all wrong!!
Should have done it in short bursts.

ETA:  It worked!!!
I fixed the clogged low water cutoff on our oil burner!
Saved us $425 for an unneeded replacement.
This morning when I flushed a huge amount of sludge came out.
A few minutes later the heat went on so I flushed again and it shut itself off.
Happy Happy Joy Joy

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