Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cours Revisited

This morning I started revisiting my edited Cours files from

Here's a previous blog post about them instead of repeating the same initial impressions.  The time flew by which is a very good thing to say about them.

Before visiting a new burned dvdr for the next week, I figured to revisit a series I previously liked.
I burn ~ 8 hours on a dvdr of mostly edited routines so a single dvdr keeps me MUving for a week or more.  I  really want to visit all of the virgins once so the only way to sneak in a revisit is to do it before I start a whole new burned dvdr.  I'm not just lazy about switching dvds in my player but know its tray days may be numbered so the less I open and close it, the better.

Found another great German exercise site www.Fitnessraum.de
Unfortunately, their website is difficult for an American to understand.
Anywho my spark was some of their Drop A Size routine.

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