Friday, March 23, 2012

Body Gospel

My new focus will be revisiting Body Gospel for only the second or third time since buying it well over a year ago. As a birthday present for myself, I was going to consider buying JB Berns Cardio Karate to try it but know I would only do it once, skipping all planks, etc. and really do not want the whole set so will settle for revisiting Body Gospel instead. At least Kendra Howard is working on a sequel to Planet Motion World Dance so I will buy myself an anniversary present in May instead LOL.

This morning I warmed up on and off the bungee to the middle cardio 10 minutes of Intermediate Dance Kinetics then did the first half of Body Gospel's Body Revival and finished with Ellen's Grace and Gusto warmup as a cooldown. Sweated plenty and feel energized. Really enjoyed all three styles and music. Hope to hit our yard with my walking poles later this afternoon and get some sunshine.

ETA: I just received the bonus dvd from the Body Gospel Deluxe set which plays fine in my dvd player but is the only dvd that my laptop will not recognize in the dvd drive. It seems thicker in the center and doesn't click onto the ring the same way. There are many complaints on the Beachbody message boards about their dvds not playing on laptops. If this is a sample of Beachbody's newer dvds, I will not be buying any from them!

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