Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Martin Luther King Day

Today being Martin Luther King Day, I am reminded of the inequalities in our government. Democracy though controlled by the majority is supposed to protect the civil rights of all minorities. It is also supposed to keep religion and civil rights separate. The Bible has not recognized men and women as equals and has justified slavery. It mentions same gender relationships in the same breath as eating lobster and shrimp. Gluttony is a definite sin in the Bible moreso than homosexuality. There was a time in our history when women couldn't vote. There was a time in our history where slavery was legal as well as in the Bible. There was a time in our history when Afro-Americans couldn't vote. During my lifetime, there were still states that did not recognize integrated marriages. Now there are only a handful of states that recognize same gender marriage.
Ironically, Homosexuals are the only minority that can be found among all races and religions. Even more ironic is that the Afro-America vote in CA for President Obama also caused a setback in marriage equality because of the ministers who set their flock against it. Recently in NY, the strongest opponent of marriage equality which passed thanks to the strong support from a Catholic governor was a Hispanic Catholic who was a Democrat. Now we have a Catholic governor in NJ who may veto gay marriage, even though obviously a glutton. People pick hypocritically whichever bible interpretations they prefer to believe in yet it is more a conscious choice of which church you go to and what food you eat than whom you love. It was even during my lifetime the US had its first Catholic President elected. As a woman, a Jew and the mother of a gay son, I have learned that minorities need to stick together to protect all of their rights from closed minded people affected by pulpit preachings. This is America and all tax payers should have the same right to the pursuit of happiness. How is it that so many other countries have advanced ahead of us when we are supposed to be the pinnacle of Democracy? I am still hoping that federal marriage equality will happen during my lifetime. Wouldn't mind seeing a woman President as well as long as she is capable.

ETA: this is the second post I have made on this subject.
Previously I posted this page

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