Friday, January 20, 2012

Not a Good Start Today

Well after a nocturnal visit to the bathroom, the toilet which was fixed less than 3 months ago, failed to shut off its running water so I couldn't fall back to sleep after being jolted to consciousness. Way too early to be up for the day and the puffiness under my eyes confirm the condition. Not looking forward to a whole day of sleep deprivation.

Will probably stick to gentle bouncing and Classical Stretch so the rest of Peakfit *More Cardio Interval Burn* will have to wait.

ETA: Though I had only previewed Susan Chung's RapidFire Results, I decided to try some this morning before trading it. Unfortunately my preview was kind by comparison and I will have no trader's remorse. I really hate being critical since this instructor awarded me a nice coreball in a sweepstakes.
First of all, Susan either has some sort of deformity and/or she has overdeveloped some muscles causing a muscle imbalance making her neck and head protrude. Secondly, kickboxing Rounds 1 through 4 all seem one sided with too many reps which would have been better with half of the reps being done with the other foot forward, changing it back and forth from South paw. At least the drills did workout both sides equally and the modifier had some good modifications. The weighted round 5 was ok but some of the moves were too fast if using heavier weights and would have been safer and more effective done halftime.

The warmup was ok and tweaked easily to work on the bungee but onesided as well.
Standing abs were ok but too fast so worked the arms more than the core.
Going to do a Classical Stretch so Miranda can keep my upper back, shoulders, and neck in alignment. Overall, sorry but Susan should have worked both sides more equally and used heavier weights more carefully since this was not her first workout dvd. Also needs to emphasize what a flat back looks like demonstrated by somebody who can extend their neck and keep their shoulders, down and back properly. The guy on the right was able to keep proper alignment most of the time.
Bottomline, my rapidfire results if following this workout would be alot of neck pain. Hope Susan doesn't suffer any neck pain because her neck is painful to watch.

ETA: We were the plumber's first call of the day and the problem was solved with another part replacement so now our main toilet should be problem free for years since all major guts have been replaced recently.

ETA: First spark today were rounds 5&6 from PF10 More Cardio Interval Burn.
Second spark was some freestyling on the bungee followed by some online Essentrics.

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